Well, this is Choki Sitohang's girl...

Often we see, that there's no exact relation between face and fate ! And it happened to Choki's girl. She is --well only an ordinary Chinese girl, with no face to sell ...meanwhile, Choki is a magnetudo for thousands girls, women around Indonesia !

But yes, that's Choki's taste, a lil bit less from the grade...:(

mimitmamatOnly that ?

mimitmamatHe has been bored for gorgeous girls..

mimitmamatThat's better...helped by light...

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1 comment:

  1. Memang begitu sih, dimana-mana cowok ganteng pasti ceweknya goreng...ato sebaliknya...kayaknya cuma ikang fawzi ama marissa haque aja yang sepadan, itu pun anaknya goreng-goreng....

    Lihat aja dian sastro, sheila marcia malah lekongnya mukenye kayak sendal jepit...blon lagi nia ramadhani, christian sugiono ganteng, titi kamal mukenya asal....banayk deh lu sebutin..emang udah adilnya Tuhan kali...


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